Trends and consequences of globalization of higher education. Current awareness based on scientific abstracts and news clips. Tabbed pages provide scope and context.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
India's Vision: From Scientific Pipsqueak to Powerhouse -- Bagla 330 (6000): 23 -- Science
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Global Academic Revolution: Implications For India- Lecture Excerpts | Look For Edu University
Sunday, September 26, 2010
IGNOU to open study centres in six European countries
'We will open our centre in Paris next month. Negotiation is going on with Germany. I hope we will start in Germany by the end of this year. Our target is to open five-six centres in Europe by July 2011,' Pillai told IANS.
The Netherlands and Austria are other European countries where IGNOU, the world's largest by student enrollment, is considering to open study centres. It already has a centre in London, the vice chancellor added."
University World News - FRANCE: 'Digital university' makes progress
The Wi-fi, podcast, digital environment for all programme was launched in July last year in response to a 2008 report by Henri Isaac, a lecturer at Paris-Dauphine University.
Isaac had warned that France was lagging behind in information and communication technologies in higher education and urgently needed to catch up to satisfy the demands of the new generation of 'digitally native' students."
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Bad Forecast for U.S. Competitiveness, Says New Gathering Storm Report - ScienceInsider
Friday, September 17, 2010
Mind control: Is the internet changing how we think? -
'Like many people, I've spent a lot of time using the net and other digital technologies over the past ten or fifteen years, and I've enjoyed the many benefits those technologies provide.
'But I came to realize, some time in 2007, that I was losing my ability to pay deep attention to one thing over a long period of time. When I'd sit down to read a book, for instance, I was only able to sustain my concentration for a page or two. My mind would begin to crave stimulation and distraction -- it wanted to click on links, jump from page to page, check email, do some Googling."
Ideas Economy: Human Potential 2010 | The Ideas Economy
For instance, how do we educate billions of new people in the coming decades—and manage their successful entry into the global economy—in an age of high unemployment and aging demographics? It is this kind of global challenge that can only be resolved by bringing together the smartest minds from government, academia and business—including education, human resources, healthcare, design, policy, science and technology—to debate tough issues and collaborate on practical solutions."
Global universities spread the wealth -
The world's great universities can be crucial instruments in shaping, in a positive way, humankind's reaction to globalization and the development of humankind itself"
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Three B.C. universities join courting mission to India - Report Card
Three university president from B.C. will join a delegation travelling to India this fall in a bid to improve academic relations as that country prepares to open its doors to foreign universities. Clearly, there's a lot of excitement about India's proposed Foreign Education Providers bill, which would set ground rules for universities wanting to open campuses and grant degrees in India. "If you are a university with global aspirations, you simply cannot ignore India," Tim Goreof the Centre for India Business at Greenwich University told an AUCC workshop over the summer (as reported by Leo Charbonneau of University Affairs.)But the legislation contains a few snags, Charbonneau reports.
1. Foreign universities wanting to open an Indian campus would be required to deposit $11 million US with the Indian government to protect students in case the school breaks the law or folds.
2. Foreign universities would be required to reinvest any profit in India
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
University World News - University World News - Global Special Edition
UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge
The UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge was established in 2001, to follow up the outcomes of two major UNESCO world conferences – the 1998 World Conference on Higher Education, and the 1999 World Conference on Science. The Forum provides a global platform for critical engagement with research issues and findings, and its mandate is to help chart, analyse and widen understanding of the systems, structures, policies, trends and developments in higher education, research and innovation.
At the conclusion of the first phase of activities in 2009, the UNESCO Forum published a Research Report, Systems of Higher Education, Research and Innovation: Changing dynamics, edited by Lynn Meek, Ulrich Teichler and Mary-Louise Kearney. The report takes stock of the numerous and rapid changes of the past decade, identifies new dynamics and trends in global knowledge systems, and synthesises the Forum’s main findings. In this Special Edition, University World News reports on a decade of the Forum’s work as encapsulated in the just-published Research Report.
University World News - University World News - Global Special Edition
University World News - AFRICA: Nineteen countries pledge to promote science
The 19 member countries of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa have come up with a raft of resolutions to boost science and technology, including the creation of a central fund to promote the sector.
At a summit held in Swaziland from 31 August to 1 September, under the theme "Harnessing Science and Technology for Development", heads of Comesa governments resolved that each nation should dedicate at least 1% of Gross Domestic Product to research and development, in line with the target set within the framework of the African Union.
Comesa countries have a population of 430 million people and cover a geographical area of 12 million square kilometers. They are Burundi, Comores, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
University World News - AFRICA: Nineteen countries pledge to promote science
Thursday, September 9, 2010
OurWorld 2.0
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Integrating Social Media into Online Education
Cambridge ousts Harvard as world's best university | Education | The Guardian
But Harvard today forfeits first place to Cambridge in a league table of the world's top universities, the first time in the list's seven year history that the Ivy League institution has been knocked off the number one spot.
British universities made a strong showing, with University College London, Oxford and Imperial all appearing in the top 10, while King's College London and Edinburgh appeared in the top 25.
American institutions dominate the list, however, taking 31 out of the top 100 places in the QS world university rankings."